Lucknow, January 4 : The talented students of City Montessori School, Gomti Nagar Campus I, have brought laurels to the institution with their remarkable performance in the National Story-Telling Competition. In this all-India competition, themed "Tiger - My Friend," Inshirah Fatima Kidwai, a Class 2 student, secured the All-India Second Rank. Meanwhile, Fatiha Khan achieved the 13th rank, Fabiha Khan secured the 18th rank, and Shri Roopa Pandey bagged the 22nd rank, showcasing their multifaceted talents. The competition was organized under the aegis of The Heritage Foundation of Art and Culture. This information was given by Mr. Rishi Khanna, Head, Communications, CMS. Mr. Khanna informed that over 140 schools from across the country participated in this competition in which these talented gems of CMS Gomti Nagar Campus I exhibited remarkable confidence and storytelling skills to prove their mettle. The event aimed to develop students' expression skills, instill confiden...